
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

The early leaders of the Church were all Jewish, the original Church was organized around the pattern of the Jewish synagogue, and Yeshua (Jesus) used numerous Jewish idioms in his teachings and was, perhaps, a Pharisee himself. Dr. Moseley illuminates the Jewish background of Yeshua and the Church in this best-selling book. Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church includes a...

early pattern of the Church had its origins in the Jewish synagogue. Note the following similarities between the ancient synagogue and the early Church. The principal leader of a synagogue was the nasi or president. In the Christian congregation, the leaders were still called president rather than pastor, as late as A.D. 150, by such non-Jewish writers as Justin Martyr.9 In the synagogue structure, three of these leaders would join together to form a tribunal for judging cases concerning money, theft,
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